314 Wilkinson St., Frankfort, KY 40601 (502)875-2290

Paris Independent Middle and High School HVAC/Lighting

Urgent renovation needs at the Paris Middle School and High School included full mechanical renovation, that

would force replacement of ceilings and lights throughout the facility. Other needs included handicap accessible

connections between multiple buildings and multiple floors. Our solution was to provide one elevator, one

connecting corridor, and mechanical and lighting upgrades throughout the facility. The scope exceeded the

owner’s bonding capacity, but the urgency of the HVAC system and accessibility needs pushed the project

forward as a combination traditional design-bid-build scope and an Energy Savings Contract. The guaranteed

energy savings provided some of the needed funding and the entire project was constructed in about 12 months.

One of the largest challenges was renovating the HVAC system in an occupied building that needed to remain

occupied. The new variable refrigerant HVAC system was completely independent of the old boiler and window

units, so the old system was maintained while the contractors worked in one wing at a time to install the new

HVAC, LED Lighting, and ceilings.