314 Wilkinson St., Frankfort, KY 40601 (502)875-2290

Mason County Intermediate School

This new 750-student 100,000 s.f. facility cost $14 million. The Owner participated throughout, through design

committee and visits to multiple facilities to gather information. The facility is developed to have grade families,

extensive natural light, significant gathering and group areas both inside and out, and is heated/cooled by an

energy-saving geothermal system.

Each of the 40 classrooms and resource rooms is set with digital boards and projectors. Additionally, the school

stage area is accessible from either the gym (from full student body gatherings), or from the Commons area (for

full grade family gatherings and district wide staff training).

Project Team Info Architect: G. Scott & Associates Mechanical/Electrical Engineer: Shrout Tate Wilson Consulting Engineers, PLLC, Lexington General Contractor: Monarch Construction Civil Engineer: J.E. Black PLLC, Lexington Landscape Architect: H. Powell & Company Inc., Lexington