314 Wilkinson St., Frankfort, KY 40601 (502)875-2290

Julius Marks Elementary

The task for the Julius Marks Elementary Addition and Renovation was threefold:

– Renovate over 30 classrooms, and other administrative areas (67,000 s.f.) In a mid 70's facility.

– Develop a design to eliminate the isolation of administrative staff from students in a multi-story building.

– Phase and construct to allow continuous occupancy.

The administrative area was isolated between the classroom level and the gym level, with little contact between

staff and students. Our solution included additions to the administrative area for staff, conference areas, Family

Resource areas, special classrooms for art, kindergarten, and science. Additionally, we rerouted all parent drop-

off and pick-up to this level by re-structuring the site access and parking to add 30 spaces.

Those additions and revisions to circulation created traffic flow in which students of all ages encounter

administrative staff on a regular basis, making the school a community on all levels. Additionally, the renovation of

finishes makes a warmer atmosphere and helps to connect all levels of activity.