314 Wilkinson St., Frankfort, KY 40601 (502)875-2290
Campbellsburg Elementary School
The Henry County Board of Education was striving to make improvements to restrooms, lighting, and finishes to
the interior of Campbellsburg Elementary School. The replacement of ceilings and lights throughout the corridors
was completed under one contract, while bathroom and plumbing renovation was completed under a second
contract over the summer. The encapsulation of existing flooring and addition of no wax flooring in the corridors
and new carpet in the media center was completed in the summer of 2015 under a third contract. The flooring
contract also included encapsulation of the gymnasium flooring under a new resilient seem-less urethane flooring
system that was completed over fall break of 2015. This work combined with painting by the owner refreshed all
of the public spaces over the three month summer break.