314 Wilkinson St., Frankfort, KY 40601 (502)875-2290

Green County Primary School

The new 550-student elementary school has a program area is 60,000 s.f., and contains 22 regular classrooms, 8

resource rooms, and 4 special classrooms to serve the current 450 students, plus 5 Pre-K classrooms to serve

another 125 students. The program group (staff and architects) placed emphasis on small class sizes (average

18) over other features. The media/library is designed to have 2 full classes of 30 people plus stepped seating for

story times, and serves over 400 students per day. A large interior courtyard garden provides opportunities for

outdoor classroom activities, as well as allow each classroom in the facility to have windows, a very high priority.

Construction bids came in approximately 7% under budget and 20% under KDE estimates. We also designed and

bid a geothermal system for the facility as an alternate, but the Owner’s budget would not support the expense.