314 Wilkinson St., Frankfort, KY 40601 (502)875-2290

Green County High School

Phase 1 of the Green County High School Modifications project was designed and bid under the extreme

deadlines related to closure of available KSFCC funds. The Owner had to use escrowed funds and we developed

the documents in 45 days from beginning to bid. The program included additional classroom space and office

area, on a site which was tightly controlled. It was completed on schedule and on budget. (Bids came in $5,000

under budgeted $900,000.)

Phase 2 work included replacement of HVAC in the 1971 vintage 60,000 s.f. facility, as well as ceilings, lighting,

and floor finishes–all during an 80-day summer break. By gathering materials and scheduling well, the work was

completed on time and within budget.

Phase 3 included HVAC for 15,000 s.f. gym to replace 1971 heat-only system with water-source heat pump

system, providing "cool" air for graduation and other community events.

Phase 4 and Phase 5 are now complete with an addition of a 5,000 s.f. Fitness classroom for use by all students,

including class groups as well as athletic teams. HVAC system with fresh air and ventilation requirements made

this a complex design problem.