314 Wilkinson St., Frankfort, KY 40601 (502)875-2290

Franklin County Health Department

The program for this 12,000 s.f. Franklin County Health Clinic facility was developed by working very closely with

the Director and Staff to find out how they run their Clinic, and what kinds of spaces they needed to operate. The

initial budget of $650,000 was partially funded by Kentucky Cabinet for Human Resources, partially by escrowed

Capital Funds from Health Taxing District, and by in-kind County Government contributions in site development

and site utilities.

The steep site was a challenge for building and parking, and the resulting two-level solution included the Clinic on

the upper level, with Administration on the lower level. Much of the lower level was finished by a second funding

grant of $230,000 through Bluegrass ADD and for use as auxiliary education and administrative space.

The clinic design is based on a layering of needs and activities, including patient waiting and circulation,

administrative, clinical, and treatment areas. The critical issue of circulation by patients and staff, and the points at

which various treatment levels were administered was resolved by developing overlapping circulation routes in

which patients circulate around the perimeter of the main staff work area, and only travel deep enough into the

treatment areas to receive the service they need (i.e., allergy shots are quick-in/quick-out while pregnancy exams

or illness requires full-service). Staff circulate along an internal access way in the middle part of the clinic, with

free access to administrative areas, offices, labs, and treatment rooms. Travel distances for staff were reduced to

minimal levels for efficiency.