314 Wilkinson St., Frankfort, KY 40601 (502)875-2290

Franklin County High School

The Franklin County High School program was developed in conjunction with a designated Ed Spec Committee

of teachers, parents, and staff, and coordinated with the Site Based Council. Each staff member and numerous

students were surveyed regarding program issues. Phase 1 was part of a long-term renovation/addition project to

completely rebuild the facility built in 1959.

Phase 1 included science labs, math, and special education classrooms at $1.5 million (It came in on budget).

Phase 2 included full renovation of the two primary classroom wings (2-story) and creation of a new

administrative area. Of equal significance to the actual Phase 2 program needs was the requirement that all

existing classroom spaces would be used in mid-August for students. The schedule and program were developed

to allow a temporary skin to be installed so that building work and class work could proceed normally. With

temporary systems in place, school proceeded in August as planned. Several alternates were received to

maximize the use of available funds with a total of $3.1 million on target with the budget and estimate.

Phase 3 included renovation and addition to music, band, art, and cafeteria with a contract of $2.4 million,

including complete renovation of the auditorium.

The $2.5 million construction contract for Phase 4 classroom area completed, leaving only the gym, kitchen, and

vocational areas. Again one of the biggest issues was the logistics of working a fully occupied

building–particularly Phase 4 where we replaced and enhanced the main circulation path in addition to adding

classrooms and media space.